Thursday, February 13, 2014

February 13 -JM30 Level 1/Day 4: I Get Noticed

Weight: 184 lbs.
Height: 5'5

Cigarettes: 0
Alcohol: 0
Vitamins: 0

LEVEL 1/DAY 4: Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred Program

Firstly, I stopped taking my vitamins because some of them are really huge! I needed a rest from taking all those huge vitamins because I gag every time I remember them. Ha! I am proud of what I ate today! I was so good and disciplined.

I am so proud of myself because I am not able to walk in high heels without feeling so heavy that I drag my heels. I had an event today and I walked around in heels all day. I am so proud!

I must say, that my confidence level is up. I feel so confident even though I only lost a few pounds. But still, I felt light and healthy, and I didn't feel sloppy at all. I don't feel the fats on my double chin anymore too! Before I could feel my double chin jiggle when I talk. Oh no!

My activities for today:

Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred Program, Level 1
Time: 30 Minutes

My menu for today:

Strawberry Papaya Mango Oatmeal Smoothie

Sakura -Spicy Tuna Sashimi, Gyoza, Miso Soup

Brewed Coffee with Milk and Equal


Beef Picadillo with Spinach and Quinoa

I still have to work on increasing my water intake though. I have to remind myself to drink more water! I think I should bring a jug with me when I leave the house.

As I mentioned earlier, I had an event today and I was able to resist the temptation to eat from the appetizer buffet. I usually eat everything when I am at events, but I actually felt good about skipping the meals! Except maybe if dinner is served.

I am so happy because at least 2 people have told me that it looks as if I am losing weight. One of my blogger friends said that my face was getting smaller. I was so happy to hear that! I was actually inspired all the more to stick to my diet. I really feel more confident now, even though I have lost only a few pounds, my confidence level is up because I know that I am doing something to lose the extra pounds.

Hubby told me tonight that if I reach my goal of 130 or 125, he will take me to Hawaii! Yay!! All the more I am inspired! Let's do this!

"Today is a step closer to my goal, tomorrow will be better! I am on the road to recovery, YES I CAN... Thank you God!" -Me

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